Saturday, January 28, 2012

One Week in Mwanza

A week ago on January 22, 2012, I flew from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro to Mwanza. The best part of the trip is that we had a great fly-by of Mt. Kilimanjaro.  I got some great pictures on my phone camera but, of course, now I don't know how to attach them.
The week has been busy--as I am unpacking and preparing for classes.  I will begin a 5 week seminar tomorrow with the novices on Franciscan Prayer. I also started teaching the English classes this last week--it is good to be busy--the time goes by quickly.
Some things have changed a bit since I was here the last time, but essentially things go on the same.  It takes so much time to do the ordinary things of life--cooking over charcoal fires, doing laundry by hand, and hoping that there is enough electricity to see the evening news.  The economy is hurting the poor people here as food prices are so expensive. 
Two more of the sisters graduated from Form VI yesterday and they will both begin to teach at St. Clare School in Biharamulo.  We will have 4 sisters there now--1 secretary, 1 teaching science, 1 teaching history, 1 teaching Swahili.  So things are moving ahead, day by day!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you. Hope time keeps going fast.
